Contact Us

Got a question? Give us a call at (608) 847-2632, and we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. We are open Monday-Friday from 10 AM until 5 PM. If these hours do not work with your schedule, I'm happy to meet you on in the evening or on the weekend.
Need help finding us? We are now located at 514 Mansion Street in Mauston, Wisconsin, behind the Kwik Trip. We are inside the brick building next to The Barbershop.
From MN: From I-90/94, take Exit #69, then turn right onto State Hwy 82/Gateway Ave. At the second set of stoplights in front of Walgreens, turn left. Go over the bridge. Mansion Street will be the second street on the left. We are on the left.
From IL: From I-90/94, take Exit #69, then turn left onto State Hwy 82/Gateway Ave. At the second set of stoplights in front of Walgreens, turn left. Go over the bridge. Mansion Street will be the second street on the left. We are on the left.
Need more specific directions from your location? Give us a call. We’d be happy to help!
Wanna send us a quick message? Feel free to fill out the form below.